I woke up this morning to a anti Paper.li tweet by by Travis Goodspeed:
After performing a bit of research via Google – I have to agree with Travis. Not that Paper.li is spammy in the traditional sense of the word; simply that its auto-content generation is not performing a service that best represents followers on my lists. Pulling content from a list of users and featuring it as a top story — is not even close to a top story. When you have to search through Paper.li to find one tiny attribution that may include content from a tweet that may not even be integral to the topic.
Paper.Li Deleted
While checking the settings at Paper.li, I could not find a means to suspend the newspaper, but did find an option to delete it. Perhaps it was because I did not have my first cup of coffee yet, but, I was not going to leave auto-generated content in my Twitter stream that may be offensive to some; or fails to acknowledge a Top Story by pushing the @mentioned to an oblivious section further down the newspaper.
List Curation
For the most part, my lists are full of people that I admire in the tech; infosec; forensics; and hacker communities. I really do want to best represent those who bring my Twitter stream informational value with tweets that also give my followers the same. Beginning in November, I will be selecting various members of each community (listed above and in no particular order), mentions on my blog. I feel that this will be a better means to highlight and share my lists than leaving it up to a service such as Paper.li and its top story (I can’t find you) algorithms.
Thank you Travis Goodspeed
Because of your tweet this morning, I was able to reassess and readdress the Twitter lists that I value. I admire your integrity to the issue of spam in auto-generated content. Though I innocently thought I was bringing my Twitter stream value — upon further investigation realized that there is no value in a paper where you have to search for the author of a top story that is generated further down the stream. A candidate for a top story should be listed at the top of the newspaper and not reduced to a viewer browser search. Good bye Paper.li faux top story…
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